Google Classroom’s purpose is to facilitate paperless communication between teachers and students and streamline educational workflow. Google Classroom allows teachers to create classes, post assignments, organize folders, and view work in real-time. Students can begin their work with just one click, by viewing the assignment then opening a Google Document. When they do this, teachers have a real-time view into student progress and can offer feedback along the way. Students each have their own Google accounts that are maintained by DBS.

Browser : Google Classroom
Android : Application
IOS : Application
McGrawhill MATH
McGrawhill Math is our robust middle school math program, designed to help you develop and inspire a classroom of critical thinkers.

Browser : Click Here
Android : Application
IOS: Application
Britannica school is a safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School. Learners can discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research and reinforce curriculum standards.

Browser : Britannica
The ParentPlus portal connects parents and students with schools and teachers. As a parent, you can quickly stay informed about what’s happening at the school and your children’s classes. From knowing if the school is closed on a given day to seeing how well your child did on his or her last homework or exam.

Browser : open Here
IOS : App
Android : App
StudySync: A Comprehensive English Language Arts Program
Cornerstone is a proven, standards-based program for students focused on learning English and achieving academic success simultaneously. It provides intensive and focused instruction that accelerates students’ language acquisition and reading comprehension skills.

Browser : Open Here
IXL is a personalized learning platform used for Math and English Homework. IXL combines the curriculum, continuous Diagnostic tools, individual guidance, and real-time analytics to help teachers differentiate instruction for each of their students.

Browser : https://www.ixl.com/
Andriod : APP